1.西北大学 城市与环境学院,陕西 西安 710127
2.西北大学 陕西省黄河研究院,陕西 西安 710127
芮旸,男,副教授,从事城乡转型与空间治理研究, ruiyang@nwu.edu.cn。
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王玲, 芮旸, 罗飞, 等. 黄河流域特色保护类村庄种群分布动态与生境选择[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2024,54(3):500-512.
WANG Ling, RUI Yang, LUO Fei, et al. The population distribution dynamics and habitat selection of characteristic protection villages in the Yellow River Basin[J]. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2024,54(3):500-512.
王玲, 芮旸, 罗飞, 等. 黄河流域特色保护类村庄种群分布动态与生境选择[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2024,54(3):500-512. DOI: 10.16152/j.cnki.xdxbzr.2024-03-014.
WANG Ling, RUI Yang, LUO Fei, et al. The population distribution dynamics and habitat selection of characteristic protection villages in the Yellow River Basin[J]. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2024,54(3):500-512. DOI: 10.16152/j.cnki.xdxbzr.2024-03-014.
基于种群生态学理论,将黄河流域971个国家级特色保护类村庄视作一个地理种群。综合GIS空间分析和数理统计方法,明晰这一种群的分布动态和生境选择特征,进而应用地理探测器对比揭示影响该种群分布的生态因子。结果表明:① 黄河流域特色保护类村庄的分布密度随种群增长而大幅提高,分布模式随尺度变大由显著聚集转为不显著离散,分布格局随时间推移由多中心向单中心演化,但集聚中心一直位于河谷盆地;② 黄河流域特色保护类村庄具有“聚中低山区、向阳坡斜坡、喜温暖湿润、近黄河干流”的偏好,趋向中等人口密度、经济欠发达地区分布,主要位于国道沿线30 km、省道沿线10 km、中心城市周边20~80 km、历史城镇周边60 km、旅游景区和文保单位周边20 km范围内;③ 影响特色保护类村庄种群分布的生态因子具有综合性、非等价性和限定性,在黄河流域以文保单位和海拔为主导。
Based on the theory of population ecology
971 national-level characteristic protection villages in the Yellow River Basin were regarded as one geographic population. Based on GIS spatial analysis and mathematical statistics method
the distribution dynamics and habitat selection characteristics of the population were clarified
and then the ecological factors affecting the distribution of this geographic population were revealed by comparing with geographic detectors. The result shows that: ① The distribution density of characteristic protection villages in the Yellow River Basin increased significantly with population growth
the distribution pattern changed from significant aggregation to insignificant dispersion with the increase of scale
and the distribution pattern evolved from multicenter to monocenter over time
but the agglomeration center was always located in the valley basin.② The characteristic protection villages in the Yellow River Basin have the preferences of " gathering in the middle and low mountains
facing the sunny slope slopes
liking warmth and wetness
being close to the main stream of the Yellow River"
and tend to be distributed in areas with medium population density and economically undeveloped areas. It is mainly located within 30 km along the national highway
10 km along the provincial highway
20~80 km around the center city
60 km around the historic town
and 20 km around thetourist attractions and cultural preservation units. ③ The ecological factors influencing the population distribution of characteristic protected villages are comprehensive
non-equivalent and limited
and are dominated by cultural preservation units and altitude in the Yellow River Basin.
characteristic protection villagesgeographic populationspatial distributionhabitat selectionYellow River Basin
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