1.中国地质大学〔北京〕 水资源与环境学院,北京 100083
2.中国地质大学〔北京〕 水利部地下水保护重点实验室〔筹〕,北京 100083
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吕小余, 李占玲, 李昕潼, 等. 基于3种降水产流方案的洪水过程模拟研究以西南地区孙水河流域为例[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2024,54(3):366-377.
LYU Xiaoyu, LI Zhanling, LI Xintong, et al. Simulation on flood processes based on three rainfall runoff schemesA case study of Sunshui River Basin in Southwest China[J]. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2024,54(3):366-377.
吕小余, 李占玲, 李昕潼, 等. 基于3种降水产流方案的洪水过程模拟研究以西南地区孙水河流域为例[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2024,54(3):366-377. DOI: 10.16152/j.cnki.xdxbzr.2024-03-003.
LYU Xiaoyu, LI Zhanling, LI Xintong, et al. Simulation on flood processes based on three rainfall runoff schemesA case study of Sunshui River Basin in Southwest China[J]. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2024,54(3):366-377. DOI: 10.16152/j.cnki.xdxbzr.2024-03-003.
Accurate simulation of floodpeak and its hydrograph is crucial for flood control and disaster reduction analysis. The selection of rainfall loss and runoff generation model is often critical for flood process simulation. To evaluate the applicability of different rainfall loss and runoff generation models in the Sunshui River Basin in Southwest China
this study constructed three rainfall-runoff modeling schemes (scheme 1: SCS Curve Number method+ Snyder Unit Hydrograph method
scheme 2: Initial Constant Rate method+ Clark Unit Hydrograph method
scheme 3: Green-Ampt method+ SCS Unit Hydrograph method).The HEC-HMS model was used to simulate 15 flood events from 2007 to 2018. The results showed that Schemes 1 and 2 demonstrated satisfactory performance in simulating the flood hydrographs in the study area
with Scheme 1 performing better for single-peak flood events and Scheme 2 performing better for double-peak flood events. In comparison
Scheme 3 exhibited inadequate simulation performance. The findings of this study can provide reference for flood simulation and prediction in similar areas.
HEC-HMSSunshui River Basinrainfall loss modelrunoff generation model
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